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Philip Abbink

Philip Abbink, Hons BA, MA, JD, is a Co-managing Partner at Cavalluzzo, specializing in professional regulation and labour law. His primary focus is on advocacy for healthcare professionals, representing them in grievance arbitrations, regulatory proceedings, and Coroners' Inquests.

Early Career and Education

Abbink obtained a JD and an MA in International Relations from the University of Toronto. He began his legal career articling at Cavalluzzo, where he represented the Ontario Nurses Association in significant legal matters, including a Coroner’s Inquest that led to lasting healthcare reforms.

Professional Experience

After a period focused on criminal defence and labour arbitration, Abbink returned to Cavalluzzo, becoming a partner in 2017. His notable work includes defending a teacher in a lengthy misconduct hearing and advocating in several Coroners' Inquests that influenced Ontario’s child protection system.